Milyo is available to download in the 60 countries and regions listed below:

  • The United States and Canada
    • Canada
    • United States
  • Europe
    • Albania
    • Austria
    • Belgium
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • Bulgaria
    • Croatia
    • Cyprus
    • Czech Republic
    • Denmark
    • Estonia
    • Finland
    • France
    • Germany
    • Greece
    • Hungary
    • Iceland
    • Ireland
    • Italy
    • Luxembourg
    • Malta
    • Netherlands
    • North Macedonia
    • Norway
    • Poland
    • Portugal
    • Romania
    • Serbia
    • Slovakia
    • Slovenia
    • Spain
    • Sweden
    • Switzerland
    • Türkiye
    • Ukraine
    • United Kingdom
  • Africa, Middle East, and India
    • India
    • Kuwait
    • Qatar
    • United Arab Emirates
  • Asia Pacific
    • Australia
    • Bhutan
    • Brunei
    • Hong Kong
    • Japan
    • Korea, Republic of
    • Maldives
    • Nepal
    • New Zealand
    • Singapore

We constantly monitoring and expanding this list. If you don't see your place of location listed, please get in touch by emailing